
Construction of flight planning and loading courses under the new generation transportation system



新一代运输系统, 飞行计划, 配载平衡, 产学协同育人


面向新一代航空运输发展,民航局陆续颁布了《大型飞机公共航空运输承运人运行合格审定规则》CCAR-121-R5-R7版。随着国家最新规定的出台,现有教材和教学内容已不适宜学生培养需要。通过产学协同育人项目建设,分析飞行计划与配载课程的内涵与外延,编写飞行计划与配载课程的新版教材,建立飞行计划与配载课程良好的授课队伍,形成飞行计划与配载课程的校内教师与行业专家共同打造的线上线下相结合授课模式,建立飞行计划与配载标准答案考试与非标准答案组合的考评体系。Facing the development of the new generation of air transportation, the Civil Aviation Administration of China has successively promulgated the CCAR-121-R5-R7 version of the "Certification Rules for the Operation of Large Aircraft Public Air Transport Carriers". With the introduction of the latest national regulations, existing teaching materials and teaching content are no longer suitable for student training needs. Through the construction of industry-university collaborative education projects, analyze the connotation and extension of flight planning and loading courses, compile new teaching materials for flight planning and loading courses, establish a good teaching team for flight planning and loading courses, and form flight planning and loading courses. The course's on-campus teachers and industry experts have jointly created an online and offline teaching model, and established an assessment system that combines standard answer exams and non-standard answer exams for flight planning and loading.




How to Cite

杨文东. (2024). 新一代运输系统下飞行计划与配载课程建设: Construction of flight planning and loading courses under the new generation transportation system. 开元产教融合研究, 6(1). Retrieved from