

  • 陈燕琳 清华大学


创新创业, 产学合作协同育人, 艺术硕士服装设计专业, 企业项目制


深入实施产学合作协同育人项目,深化产教融合、校企合作,促进当代服装艺术硕士设计人才改革与创新。本文通过对服装品牌产品设计课程教学初步探索和尝试,形成了一套基于创新创业思维的新教学设计模式,即以能力培养为导向、以项目制为核心、以多学科交叉融合为手段,形成了以课程教学服务项目、项目实践深化教学的双创教育模式。用创新设计带动服装品牌行业的可持续发展,为企业提供满足未来时尚消费市场个性化和特色化需求的设计人才。该对艺术硕士服装专业研究生就业发展具有指导意义,为学生未来进入时尚行业创新创业打下坚实基础。 Deeply implement industry-university cooperation collaborative education projects, deepen the integration of industry and education, and school-enterprise cooperation, and promote the reform and innovation of contemporary fashion master's degree design talents. Through preliminary exploration and attempts at teaching clothing brand product design courses, this paper has formed a new teaching design model based on innovative and entrepreneurial thinking, that is, ability training as the orientation, project system as the core, and multi-disciplinary intersection as the means. It is an education model in the direction of mass entrepreneurship and innovation through curriculum teaching service projects and project practice to deepen teaching. Use innovative design to drive the sustainable development of the clothing brand industry and provide enterprises with design talents that meet the personalized and characteristic needs of the future fashion consumer market. At the same time, it has guiding significance for the employment development of postgraduate students majoring in the Master of Arts in Fashion, laying a solid foundation for students to enter the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in the fashion industry in the future.




How to Cite

陈燕琳. (2024). 基于新文科的艺术硕士服装设计专业创新创业研究与实践探索. 开元产教融合研究, 6(1). Retrieved from