


国家级一流本科课程, 国际结算, 申报书


广东外语外贸大学是一所具有鲜明国际化特色的教学研究型大学,国际经济与贸易专业是教育部特色专业建设点和国家级一流专业。国际结算课程是国际经济与贸易、国际商务、国际金融等专业的必修课程,具有理论知识庞杂、涉及面广、实操性极强的特点。通过信息化时代下多种获取知识的途径和方式,将互联网、信息技术与大学教育深度融合,引入在线仿真实验、慕课和雨课堂等信息化课堂教学手段,扩展和延伸学习空间及内容,形成各类优质教学资源,打造国际结算课程金课教学团队,引领国际结算课程教学内容和教学方法改革,推动高等学校优质课程教学资源通过现代信息技术手段的共建共享,提高国际贸易专业人才培养质量,服务新时代学习型社会的建设。本文从课程基本信息、授课教授(教学团队)、课程目标、课程建设及应用情况、课程特色与创新、课程建设计划等方面,严格按照第二批国家级一流本科课程申报书(线上线下混合课程)要求展开阐述,完整呈现了申报书的核心内容,为申报第三批国家级一流本科课程提供参考。Guangdong University of Foreign Studies is a teaching and research university with distinctive international characteristics. The major of International Economics and trade is the characteristic specialty of the Ministry of Education and a national first-class major. The course of International Settlement is a required course for international economy and trade, international business, international finance and other majors. It has the characteristics of complex theoretical knowledge, wide range of involvement and strong practical operation. Through a variety of ways and methods to acquire knowledge in the information age, we deeply integrate the Internet and information technology into university education in teaching. At the same time, we also introduce online simulation experiments, Moocs and rain classroom and other information-based teaching methods, expand and extend the learning space and content, form various high-quality teaching resources, build a golden course teaching team, lead the reform of International Settlement courses, and promote high-quality teaching resources for higher education institutions. Through the co-construction and sharing of modern information technology means, we can improve the training quality of international trade professionals and serve the construction of a learning society in the new era. This paper discusses seven aspects: basic course information, teaching professors (teaching team), course objectives, course construction and application, course features and innovations, course construction plan, and a list of supplementary materials. It elaborately presents the core content of the application in strict accordance with the requirements of the second batch of national first-class undergraduate course application (Mixed online and offline courses), offering a reference for the application of the third batch of national first-class undergraduate courses.




How to Cite

陈琳. (2024). 国家级一流本课程:国际结算. 开元产教融合研究, 6(1). Retrieved from