
Research on Ideological and Political Education in the Curriculum of Basic Chemistry Courses in Medical Colleges Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Culture


  • 边玮玮 山东第二医科大学药学院 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4832-7654
  • 赵春贞 山东第二医科大学药学院
  • 李欣欣 山东第二医科大学药学院
  • 张思齐 山东第二医科大学药学院
  • 戚明颖 山东大学
  • 王新颖 山东第二医科大学药学院


医学院校, 课程思政, 基础化学, 改革


当前,我们正处于世界百年未有之大变局中,要实现中华民族的伟大复兴,就要在高校教学中落实教育立德树人的根本任务,以习近平文化思想为引领,全面推进课程思政建设,将价值塑造、知识传授和能力培养有机融为一体。本文以医学院校的基础化学课程为例,从凝练中医思政素材,激发文化自信,挖掘中国科学家思政素材,厚植家国情怀,引入科技发展前沿,激发民族自豪感等角度,进行了以习近平文化思想为引领的医学院校基础化学课程思政的探索研究,为培养医学类高素质人才提供了基础。At present, we are in a great transformation that has not been seen in a century in the world. In order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must implement the fundamental task of education, moral education, and talent cultivation in university teaching. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Culture, we should promote the construction of ideological and political education in the curriculum comprehensively, integrating value shaping, knowledge transmission, and ability cultivation organically. This article takes the basic chemistry course in medical colleges as an example, and explores ideological and political education in the curriculum guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Culture from the perspectives of condensing traditional Chinese medicine ideological and political materials, stimulating cultural confidence, excavating Chinese scientists' ideological political materials, cultivating patriotism, introducing cutting-edge technology, and stimulating national pride, providing a foundation for cultivating




How to Cite

边玮玮, 赵春贞, 李欣欣, 张思齐, 戚明颖, & 王新颖. (2024). 以习近平文化思想为引领的医学院校基础化学课程思政探索研究: Research on Ideological and Political Education in the Curriculum of Basic Chemistry Courses in Medical Colleges Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Culture. 开元产教融合研究, 6(1). Retrieved from