
Reform and Practice of Ideological and Political Education Model in Engineering Majors:Taking Materials Major Courses as an Example



工科专业课, 材料专业, 课程思政, 改革实践


紧紧围绕新时期高素质卓越工程人才培养背景下的工科专业课课程思政教学主战场,以专业课课程教学改革与创新为突破口,开展了教学体系、教学内容、教学模式、教学评价等多要素教学改革和创新实践,把思政教育与课程固有的知识、技能传授相融合,显性与隐性教育相结合,促进学生健康全面发展,培养德才兼备卓越工程人才,取得显著成效。Focusing closely on the main battlefield of ideological and political education in engineering professional courses under the background of cultivating high-quality and outstanding engineering talents in the new era, with the reform and innovation of professional course teaching as the breakthrough point, we have carried out multi element teaching reforms and innovative practices such as teaching system, teaching content, teaching mode, and teaching evaluation, integrating ideological and political education with the inherent knowledge and skills imparted in the curriculum, and combining explicit and implicit education, Promote the healthy and comprehensive development of students, cultivate outstanding engineering talents with both moral and professional abilities, and achieve significant results.




How to Cite

董桂伟, 王协彬, & 张存生. (2024). 工科专业课课程思政育人模式的改革实践——以材料类专业课程为例: Reform and Practice of Ideological and Political Education Model in Engineering Majors:Taking Materials Major Courses as an Example. 开元产教融合研究, 6(1). Retrieved from