产学合作供需对接助力县域经济发展:英文学术期刊 Journal of Rural Revitalization and County Economy征稿

University-industry collaborative education program and supply and demand matching employment and education program promote the county economy :Journal of Rural Revitalization and County Economy calls for papers



乡村振兴, 产学合作, 供需对接, 县域经济, University-Industry Collaborative Education Program, Ministry of Education's supply and demand matching employment and education project, Rural revitalization, county economy


产学合作协同育人项目、供需对接就业育人项目产生了Journal of Rural Revitalization and County Economy学术期刊,助力乡村振兴与县域经济研究。The industry-university cooperative education project and the supply-demand connection employment education project have produced the Journal of Rural Revitalization and County Economy academic journals to promote rural revitalization and county economic research.




How to Cite

李昌奎(LI Changkui). (2022). 产学合作供需对接助力县域经济发展:英文学术期刊 Journal of Rural Revitalization and County Economy征稿: University-industry collaborative education program and supply and demand matching employment and education program promote the county economy :Journal of Rural Revitalization and County Economy calls for papers. 开元产教融合研究, 4(3), 4–13. Retrieved from

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