
Research on the construction of characteristic industrial colleges in Application-oriented Colleges Based on the integration of industry and education


  • 郭春蕾 沈阳城市建设学院 沈阳市 110167 Shenyang Urban Construction College,Shenyang,110167
  • 赵中华 沈阳城市建设学院 沈阳市 110167 Shenyang Urban Construction College,Shenyang,110167
  • 齐庆会 沈阳城市建设学院 沈阳市 110167 Shenyang Urban Construction College,Shenyang,110167
  • 王刚 广州南方测绘科技有限公司 沈阳市 110061 Guangzhou Nanfang surveying and Mapping Technology Company,Shenyang,110061


产教融合, 应用型, 产业学院, 人才培养, Integration of industry and education, Applied Universities, Industrial College, personnel training


为了解决CO2置换法开采天然气水合物过程中出现的置换速度慢、置换效率低等问题,提出了化学试剂-CO2置换结合开采试验的措施。实验表明:(1)甲醇溶液分解水合物的过程大致可以分为以下三个阶段:快速分解初始阶段、水合物分解与稳定转变的竞相作用阶段和分解稳定阶段。通过实验模拟得出,地层压力直接影响到甲醇试剂对水合物的分解能力,改变地层压力能够提高CH4水合物开采速率。(2)基于甲醇试剂+CO2置换开采方法可获较高的水合物分解率。在甲醇试剂作用,后续注入的CO2仍然促进了CH4分解即基于甲醇试剂分解水合物后进行CO2水合物的置换开采是可行的。研究成果对天然气水合物化学试剂法矿场试采具有重要的意义。Deepening the integration of industry and education, school enterprise cooperation and building a community of school enterprise destiny is the only way for application-oriented colleges to achieve high-quality development. As a new organizational form of industry and education integration, industrial college can effectively promote the organic connection of education chain, talent chain, industrial chain and innovation chain. It is a booster, converter and incubator for building a community of school enterprise destiny. Colleges and universities can realize the cultivation of high-quality applied talents by innovating the collaborative education mode of industry education integration.




How to Cite

郭春蕾, 赵中华, 齐庆会, & 王刚. (2022). 基于产教融合的应用型院校特色产业学院建设研究: Research on the construction of characteristic industrial colleges in Application-oriented Colleges Based on the integration of industry and education. 开元产教融合研究, 4(1), 27–36. Retrieved from