
"Flame Retardant Materials and Technology" Online Course Teaching Mode Research and Practice


  • 闫琪 中国人民警察大学
  • 郭子东 中国人民警察大学
  • 郑兰芳 中国人民警察大学


阻燃材料与技术, 消防工程, 在线教学, Flame retardant Materials and Technology, Fire engineering, Online teaching


“阻燃材料与技术”是消防工程中重要的专业课之一。本文以警察大学消防工程专业阻燃材料与技术课程在线教学为例,对在线课程教学模式探索中的教学设计、教学过程、教学效果进行研究与实践,综合运用学在警大在线教学平台进行实践,实践证明,教师通过在线教学模式研究,在探索、交流中提高教学质量;学生由被动学习转化为自主学习,实现了学习效果最优化。 Flame retardant Materials and Technology is one of the important specialized courses in fire engineering. The teaching course of Flame retardant Materials and Technology in China People’s Police University Fire Engineering for online teaching, as for example, material and technology of online courses teaching model to explore the teaching design, teaching process, teaching effect in research and practice, the integrated use of online teaching platform for practice. The result has proved that teachers through online teaching pattern research, improve the teaching quality in exploration, communication; students from passive learning to independent learning, to achieve the learning effect optimization.




How to Cite

闫琪, 郭子东, & 郑兰芳. (2022). “阻燃材料与技术”在线课程教学模式研究与实践: "Flame Retardant Materials and Technology" Online Course Teaching Mode Research and Practice. 开元产教融合研究, 4(1), 9–16. Retrieved from