
Reform and Exploration on Teaching of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in Human Anatomy and Physiology Experiment


  • 党凯 西北工业大学生命学院School of Life Sciences,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xian 710072, China https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7641-6174
  • 高源 西北工业大学生命学院School of Life Sciences,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xian 710072, China


课程思政, 人体解剖生理学实验, curriculum ideological and political education; human anatomy and physiology experiment, human anatomy and physiology experiment


人体解剖生理学实验作为人体解剖生理学理论知识的依据与来源,是生命科学与医学专业本科生重要的实验课程之一,是与人体解剖生理学理论教学相配套的实验教学课程。以实现“立德树人”为出发点,以培育和践行社会主义核心价值观为切入点,构建将思政教育实施于人体解剖生理学实验课程的全新教学内容体系和教学模式,从而实现课程思政与专业教育融合,实现全员、全程、全方位育人,培养学生科学的世界观和方法论,激励学生爱国、励志、求真、力行,培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观。As the basis and source of theoretical knowledge of human anatomy and physiology experiment is one of the important experimental courses for undergraduates majoring in life science and medicine. It is an experimental teaching course matched with the theoretical teaching of human anatomy and physiology. Taking the realization of "building morality and cultivating people" as the starting point and the cultivation and practice of socialist core values as the starting point, build a brand-new teaching content system and teaching mode to implement ideological and political education in the experimental course of human anatomy and physiology, so as to realize the integration of curriculum ideological and political education and professional education, realize full, whole and all-round education, and cultivate students' scientific world outlook and methodology, encourage students to be patriotic, inspirational, truth-seeking and practical, and cultivate and carry forward socialist core values.




How to Cite

党凯, & 高源. (2022). “人体解剖生理学实验”课程思政教学改革与探索: Reform and Exploration on Teaching of Curriculum Ideological and Political Education in Human Anatomy and Physiology Experiment. 开元产教融合研究, 4(1), 1–8. Retrieved from